Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 20: Spaghetti Dinner

Guess what? It's another snow day. Thank goodness for friends. The girls have stayed occupied with play dates. Tonight, we're having two friends spend the night. The consensus is that everyone likes spaghetti, so spaghetti it is. Yeah, I know this picture is not beautiful -- not that any of them are, I'm still working on my photography skills -- but I almost forgot to snap a picture until we were sitting down for dinner.

Pure laziness has set in tonight. It's spaghetti sauce from a jar. If anyone has a favorite spaghetti sauce recipe, please share. There is nothing better than homemade spaghetti sauce.

No recipe to share, but one tip for those out there who don't cook often. Always season the pasta water with at least 1 tsp of salt.

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